Salary of a Lawyer in Dubai in 2024

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The legal profession in Dubai has experienced rapid growth, making it an attractive destination for aspiring lawyers. This article delves into the salary of a lawyer in Dubai in 2024, providing insights into average salaries, education requirements, and available career paths.

Legal Profession in Dubai:

Dubai’s legal profession is regulated by the Dubai Law Society, responsible for setting standards, licensing, and registering lawyers. Educational and experience requirements vary based on the type of law practiced.

Salary Factors:

Salaries for lawyers in Dubai vary significantly based on the type of law, firm, and experience level. According to the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE), the median salary in 2020 was 40,000 AED, with potential growth in 2024.

Education Requirements:

Lawyers in Dubai must obtain a law degree from an accredited university or college. Common degrees include LLB, LLM, and SJD. Specialized law degrees may be required for certain practices.

Experience and Career Paths:

Legal experience is vital for success in Dubai, gained through internships, legal clinics, or working as a law firm assistant. Public and private law practices offer distinct career paths, with lawyers either advising government agencies or providing services to individuals and businesses.

Salary Outlook:

Salaries for lawyers in Dubai can vary based on the legal practice, experience, and credentials. The average salary was 40,000 AED in 2020, with senior-level lawyers earning up to 200,000 AED. Continued growth is expected, with potential salaries reaching up to 400,000 AED in the coming years.

Cost of Living:

Considering the cost of living is essential, as Dubai’s expenses can be high. Rent, utilities, food, transportation, and entertainment contribute to the overall cost of living.

Government Regulations:

The UAE has regulations in place to ensure fair wages, including minimum wage and overtime regulations. The maximum working hours per day and week are also defined, and health insurance is required for employees.


Dubai offers promising opportunities for lawyers, with competitive salaries and a growing legal landscape. Education, experience, specialization, and adherence to government regulations impact salary. Considering the cost of living and the legal profession’s regulations helps lawyers make informed decisions about their careers in Dubai.

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